What about...?

What are the requirements for Kindergarten?
All K3-K5 students must be fully potty-trained, should be able to communicate with adults and peers, and must be able to sit quietly during class/learning time.
What about lunches?
Students must bring a sack lunch and snack to school each day. GBA does offer pizza lunches to students on Fridays. (This is optional for each student.) Pizza must be ordered by Friday morning at 9:00 AM in the office.
What are the school hours?
Our school day runs from 8:00 AM-2:25 PM. Drop-off is from 7:30 AM-7:55 AM. Pick-up is from 2:25 PM-2:45 PM. After-care extends to 4:00 PM.
What is the student-to-teacher ratio?
The normal student-to-teacher ratio for each class is 9/1. This is helpful in allowing each teacher to spend quality one-on-one time with each student, and cultivates an open and familial atmosphere.
What electives are offered?
We are able to offer a variety of electives for our high school grades. Typing, Speech, the Dave Ramsey Financial Course, ACT Prep, and Office Aid classes are some of the electives that are offered here at GBA.

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